пятница, 7 ноября 2014 г.

Экранирование спец.символов в CMD

Экранирование спец.символов в CMD

Escape Characters
Character to be escapedEscape SequenceRemark
%%%May not always be required in doublequoted strings, just try
^^^May not always be required in doublequoted strings, but it won't hurt
'^'Required only in the FOR /F "subject" (i.e. between the parenthesis), unless backq is used
`^`Required only in the FOR /F "subject" (i.e. between the parenthesis), if backq is used
,^,Required only in the FOR /F "subject" (i.e. between the parenthesis), even in doublequoted strings
!^^!Required only when delayed variable expansion is active
"""Required only inside the search pattern of FIND
\\\Required only inside the regex pattern of FINDSTR

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