вторник, 17 января 2012 г.

Sybase String Functions

Function Arguments Return Description
ascii String Integer Returns the ASCII code for the first character of the
char Integer String Returns the ASCII charactor having the ASCII code of the
Integer (0..255)
charindex String, String Integer Returns the position of the first string in the second
char_length String Integer Returns the number of characters in the string
lower String String Returns the string converted to lower case
ltrim String String Returns the string with leading blanks removed
replicate String, Integer String Returns the string duplicated Integer times
reverse String String Returns the string with the character order reversed
right String, Integer String Returns the rightmost Integer characters of the string
rtrim String String Returns the string with trailing blanks removed
space Integer String Returns a string of Integer blanks
str Real, Integer, Integer String Returns a string representing the Real value, with a length of
the first Integer, and with decimal places of the second
stuff String1, Integer1, Integer2, String2 String Returns a string of the String1 with Integer2 characters
beginning at position Integer1 replace by String2
substring String, Integer, Integer String Returns a substring beginning at the position of the first
Integer, and having a length of the second Integer
upper String String Returns the string converted to upper case

Взято отсюда - трям.
Проверено на Sybase 7.0.

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